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School Safeguarding

Designated Safeguarding Leads

Nick Bonell is Designated Safeguarding Lead (including online safety)
John Arnold, Sharon Theobald-Grainger and Suzy Tift are deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads

Sharon Theobald-Grainger is our Family Liaison Officer

Emma Priest is Safeguarding Governor

Safeguarding Policies

You will find our safeguarding policies under the 'Key Information' menu - on the 'Policies' tab.

Visitors to St. Saviour's

All staff and governors wear St. Saviour's lanyards.

Visitors with a DBS check (police check) wear a green lanyard.

Visitors without a DBS check (such as occasional contractors) wear a red lanyard and should always be accompanied if children are in the building.

When you visit St. Saviour's, you will be asked to sign in and put your sticker on your lanyard.


The register is taken at 8.50am.  If you child is absent without contact from you, our office staff will telephone you.  The headteacher and Family Liaison Officer may do a home visit or welfare check if we have concerns.

Contextual Safeguarding

We believe the major risks to our pupils, in the local area, are:

  • Criminal / sexual exploitation by criminal (County Lines) gangs
  • The railway lines, particularly at Westgate and Birchington stations
  • The sea


Safeguarding advice for visitors to St. Saviour's

Safeguarding Newsletter