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School Achievements

We are so proud of our school's achievements.  These range from whole year group SATs results to groups of children taking part in the Shakespeare Schools' Festival, to individuals initiating fund-raising or winning music or sports awards. Everyone at St Saviour's Church of England Junior School is given the chance to be really good at something...

Mr Arnold wins Kent Deaf Children's Society award.

Mr Arnold was nominated by the parent of one of our children for providing and co-ordinating four years of outstanding support.  Mr Arnold personally drove one of our students to support sessions each week, reserved a table in the quietest spot of the lunch hall, promoted deaf awareness across the school and undertook extensive work around transition to a specialist deaf school.

The parent also stated that Mr Arnold had also provided excellent professional support to her in her new role as a Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator and that she aspires to do the job as well as him.

We think Mr Arnold is fabulous and it is lovely that our families feel the same way!

Year 4 children performing 'A Midsummer Night's Dream Re-Imagined' at Dreamland and the Turner Contemporary Gallery