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St. Saviour's Community Events and Fundraising

Look what you did! This is roughly half of the donations we have received. Thank you so much for your generosity.

Children and families raised £280 for Macmillan Cancer Support through a cake sale and coffee morning. We were very happy to welcome current families and staff as well as ex-parents and staff members!

LEPRA fundraising for Leprosy care in Bangladesh, the children enjoyed their Zumba reward session. We looked at Compassion and Thankfulness while we were learning about the work done by LEPRA

Year 3 raised funds for Save the Children linked to our values of Compassion and Community. An R.E lesson to be remembered!

Many thanks to our parents and carers for your kind donations for non-uniform day last week.  Your donations raised over three hundred pounds for Demelza House Childrens' Hospice and Marie Curie.

Well done our school council for organising another very successful bake sale.  The three hundred pounds raised will go towards buying a 'Buddy Bench' for the playground.

 Mrs Biggs and Mr Arnold took parents' and carers' food donations to Birchington Food Bank, the food will provide welcome support to local families.  Thank you for your kind donations!