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British Values

The rule of law

Children learn about national laws, justice and how the justice system protects us all.  In school, children understand the rationale behind school rules and sometimes play a part in deciding these rules.


Children learn about the electoral process at national and local level, teachers use news items and national debates as the basis for class discussion and learning.  In school, children choose school council members to represent their views.  In personal relationships and play, children are encouraged to respect the views of the majority; Year 6 play leaders are used to support children to resolve arguments and choose activities.

Individual liberty

Children learn about historical struggles for freedom, independence and electoral representation.  Teachers discuss with classes the balance between individual freedom and the safety of society / community, children use discursive texts to explore these tensions.  In school, children are educated about their human rights and responsibilities and the differences across countries and time periods.

Mutual respect and tolerance

All staff model respect for children, each other, parents/carers and the wider community.  Children learn about diversity, and the common strands running through world religions.  In school, children are expected to show understanding of other faiths and cultures and to treat everyone with equal respect.  At St. Saviour's we say hello, we all hold doors open for each other, basic manners demonstrate our equality and mutual respect.

British Values in school and in the community

Children chose criteria to select a leader as part of learning about democracy

What children learn about British Values at St. Saviour's Church of England Junior School

  • developing the self-esteem to express an opinion
  • distinguishing right from wrong, respecting the law
  • accepting responsibility for your behaviour, St. Saviour's follows a 'restorative justice' model - you put right what you have done wrong
  • learning how to make a positive contribution to the school and wider community.  Children sing at local care homes, raise money for local and national charities
  • acquire a broad knowledge of public institutions.  Children learn the basics of government and the institutions of civil society
  • learning to accept and respect differences in gender, culture, orientation, religion, disability and ethnicity. Challenging prejudice
  • understanding the democratic process, the importance of questioning and seeking evidence.  Children elect school council representatives after a hustings
  • understanding that British Values protect us all, promoting wellbeing and safety
  • understand that public bodies such as schools, hospitals, the armed forces, the police force can be held to account by Parliament; adults and children alike at St. Saviour's are held to account
  • pupil voice is respected and listened to; school councillors make real decisions with tangible outcomes