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Collective Worship

Many thanks to Dr Trevor Clarke from Global Generation Church, Margate for our pop-up prayer space. A wonderful experience for our children!

All children take part in a daily act of Anglican worship.  Collective worship is planned across the year and follows the ecclesiastical calendar.  Worship is uniquely Christian and Anglican in format, based around the principles of: Gathering, Engaging, Responding and Sending.  Children are encouraged to be Christian and word and deed.  We expect children to apply their knowledge of Christian values each day and treat each other respectfully and compassionately.

Monday - Whole school worship based on Christian Values

Tuesday - Whole school worship, led by children, based on R.E learning

Wednesday - Whole school worship engaging and responding with singing

Thursday - Upper and lower school worship, class-led collective worship

Friday - Whole school worship, celebration, led by Year 6 children

Monday Whole School Worship

Florence, Milly and Matilda made a friendship chain in collective worship to symbolise the efforts of the friends who carried their sick friend to be healed by Jesus.