Curriculum Information
At St. Saviour’s Church of England Junior School children experience a broad creative, stimulating and challenging curriculum. The curriculum has been planned to enable children to learn in a variety of exciting ways. Subjects are taught as discrete lessons and cross-curricular links are made where they are helpful but we do not force these links. Children learn through:
- investigations and experiments
- problem solving
- first hand learning and practical experience
- the use of secondary sources and artefacts
- linking subjects that have relevance to the children’s learning (cross curricular approach)
- visits and visitors
Westgate on Sea contains pockets of deep socio-economic deprivation; our curriculum is designed with secondary schools in mind, with a view to preparing children to use their education as a driver for social mobility. Curriculum enrichment, through numerous themed days, visits and visitors, clubs and specialist teaching staff (sports coach and Spanish teacher) engages children and makes them want to come to school. Children are prepared for life in modern Britain through PHSE, R.E and Christian values in taught sessions, in whole school or class collective worship and through our general ethos.
- Includes speaking and listening, reading and writing, phonics, spelling, grammar and handwriting
- Daily hour plus extra time during the week for extended writing linked with other subjects, guided reading groups and phonics
- Includes fluency, calculation, mental arithmetic, reasoning and problem solving. We use the White Rose mastery scheme with a heavy focus on conceptual understanding helped by Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract representation (CPA)
- Daily, mastery approach with a focus on deep knowledge of core concepts, written arithmetic, problem solving and reasoning
- Investigational and experiential science is a high focus – interpreting data and drawing conclusions
- Includes physical, biological and environmental sciences e.g. the study of materials, habitats, food chains, our changing world, wildlife protection and growth etc.
- Making links with our wider school environment e.g. pond dipping, growing seeds, and visits
- Cross curricular approach where children use a range of software for coding, data handling, designing, modelling, controlling, presenting and using text and graphics
- Very well resourced – computer suite, computers in classrooms, digital cameras, CD players, scanners, interactive whiteboards
- Access to the internet. Online safety is taught in all year groups. The whole-school completes work as part of Safer Internet Day every February and as part of termly taught lessons
- Coding using Scratch and other software
Sex and Relationship Education
During Year 5 & 6 the children are taught the changes that occur in their own bodies from birth to adulthood including - puberty, the development and birth of a baby as well as sex education, including the range of relationships and emotional changes experienced during development. Thanet has high rates of teenage pregnancy, we feel education is one of many ways that this must be tackled
Religious Education
- Though our catchment area is predominantly White British we feel that children need to understand a range of beliefs and cultures in order to thrive in modern Britain. Through knowledge we can start of combat prejudice; the relatively homogenous racial profile of Westgate on Sea makes this work all the more important
Visits to local places of worship and speakers of other beliefs make the curriculum meaningful to the children. From September 2017 we will start to use the 'Understanding Christianity' scheme
- Appreciation and respect for the beliefs of others is encouraged through our teaching and learning
- Faiths include Hinduism, Islam, Sikkhism, Christianity, Judaism
- Children are encouraged to play a proactive role in sharing their beliefs and festivals in class and whole assemblies
- Cross curricular links are made through Literacy, Art and other subjects
Design and Technology
- Children learn a range of skills e.g. measuring, cutting, joining, using a range of tools
- Children engage in planning, designing, making and evaluating their own products
- ICT links are made e.g. designing a Christmas card and researching new projects
- Cross curricular links are made with subjects such as Literacy, Art/Design and Music etc.
- Local visits, drama days, speakers and museums are a focus of this learning e.g. Tudor day with a dramatist, visit to Dover Castle, Chatham Dockyards and Dover Museum, World War 2 drama day and Victorian Day
- Use of secondary sources enriches learning e.g. maps, photographs, diaries and video clips.
- Cross curricular opportunities are made e.g. Science, Mathematics and ICT
- The use of the school and local environment makes learning purposeful e.g. our environmental area in addition to learning about different countries
Art and Design
- A high profile cross curricular subject making links with design technology, ICT, Mathematics, History and Drama
- Study of famous artists' work
- Use of a variety of media e.g. pastels, clay, collage, Mod Roc and fabric paint
- Application of skills e.g. drawing, painting, modelling
- Children have first hand experiences using pitched and non pitched instruments
- Specialist musicians offer taught lessons in a range of instruments including guitar, recorder, keyboards and flute
- Children learn to sing and compose using nursery rhymes, chants, sounds, songs from different cultures, developing their own music and songs, setting poetry to mood music.
Physical Education
- Specialist coach provision for all children for 1 hour per week
- At least 2 hours of PE for all children each week
- Extended opportunities after school hours including participation in tournaments and festivals
- 'Real P.E' programme
- Swimming (focused on Year 4 children), dance, athletics, outdoor and indoor games, gymnastics, short tennis, cross country, basketball, hockey and sports hall athletics
- Provides opportunities for debate and opinion and deals with issues such as bullying, racism, kindness, honesty etc. It is underpinned by our Christian values.
Modern Foreign Languages
- Spanish is taught to all pupils
Voluntary contributions are requested for some activities unless they are annotated as free. Prices change but will be advised prior to the event. Children who receive free school meals do not have to pay. Please speak to us if you are having trouble affording any activity.