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Please try to arrive at school between 8.30 and 8.40am.  Registration is at 8.50am.  We lock our external gates at 8.50am.  If you arrive after 8.50am, you will need to sign your child in at the school office and your child will be given a late mark.  We refer persistent latecomers to the local attendance officer.

We provide extra reading sessions in class from 8.30am.

Reporting your child as sick or absent

In the event of serious illness or circumstances which will prevent your child from attending school, please telephone the school office on 01843 831707 to inform us.  Mr Arnold or Mr Bonell are usually available to answer calls from 7.15am, there is also an automated Option system, choose Option 1 for the school office and leave a message when prompted, stating the child's name, class and the nature of the illness.

If your child has been sick, parents and school try to make a common sense judgement as to whether the vomiting is due to an infectious stomach bug (normally repeated vomiting and or diarrhoea) or another reason (travel sickness or too much chocolate!).  If you suspect a stomach bug, we ask that you keep your child off school until 24hrs after the last occurrence of vomiting or diarrhoea.  Where children have just been sick once and there is no reason to think the condition is infectious, your child can attend school when they are well enough to do so.

For infectious disease and more serious viral infections such as measles, chicken pox etc. please telephone us to seek advice and / or follow advice from your G.P.  Kent County Council sets out guidance for schools for absence to prevent the spread of infectious diseases and we follow these whilst also applying common sense.

Children should be at school whenever possible.  If children are suffering from low level illnesses or are run-down or tired from a late night or busy weekend, please do bring them into school.  If we can see that children are unwell or distressed we will not hesitate to telephone you.

Attendance data - updated 26th September 2023