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A welcome from the Headteacher, Mr Nick Bonell B.A (Hons)

A website can only offer a brief glimpse into the life of any school, but I hope that our one reveals the very special 'blend' that makes

St. Saviour's Church of England Junior School so successful for our children and community - both inspirational and down to earth, challenging and supportive, ambitious and warm. As the world is rapidly changing, it is vital that we give all children a broad and balanced curriculum underpinned by a strong commitment to Christian values. We value honesty and kindness, having self-respect as well as respect for others and showing courtesy, consideration and good manners at all times to everyone in our school community. We want children to leave our school at the end of Year 6 having achieved high academic standards - being the very best they can be. We want them to be responsible citizens with personal goals and aspirations for the future.

We always offer a warm welcome to visitors, so why not come and see our excellent learning environment, meet our friendly staff and, most importantly, our well-rounded, self-assured, confident pupils.

It is, for me, a great privilege to lead this successful, popular and happy school and for prospective families I look forward to sharing St. Saviour's Church of England Junior School with you. 


Working hard and caring for each other.

We, as the St Saviour's school family, acknowledge that everyone is unique in God's eyes. We seek to provide an excellent education, upheld by an atmosphere of mutual care and support where everyone may thrive and flourish. Whilst acknowledging that success can be measured in many ways, we aim to ensure every child achieves their full academic potential and becomes the best possible version of themselves in order that they might grow into confident and active members of society.

We aim to encourage everyone in our family to become fully contributing members of the local community who care for others and for their environment.


Thankfulness, Perseverance, Courage

Compassion, Forgiveness and
